At both our Growing in Harmony and our Harmony Hub sites we work with a variety of partner organisations. Some support us with funding, some link us up with people who would benefit from our services, others bring groups on site to learn and to volunteer. Here I interview our contacts from some of those partner organisations to explain how we're connected with them and what they love about working with In Harmony Food Revolution
We love working with Helen and her students, helping to support their wellbeing through gardening, being outdoors and working together.
Helen explains how her students have benefitted from working with us and have grown in wonderful ways from the experience.
Music by bensound.com
MFC foundation have been an amazing support to us in developing our Skinningrove project.
In this video I speak to Charlie Bell about the work we've done together.
Music by bensound.com
We love working with Nico from the youth offending service and the young people he supports. Getting out in nature and doing something practical and useful can have a big impact when other approaches haven't helped.
Here Nico tells us about the work he does and why Growing in Harmony is so beneficial.
Music by bensound.com